The PSYCLIC project, which aims to explore the intersection of climate change and psychology, will held its second multiplier event on the 4th of March in Saarbrücken at the “Tbilisser Platz”. This event will be a continuation of the project’s efforts to open up new career paths for students of psychology and other disciplines by incorporating social psychology, environmental psychology, and industrial- & organizational psychology perspectives.

The second multiplier event will feature a concert and public speeches to start off the day. Next, the event will continue with joining the 12. global climate strike. After the demonstration, there will be a presentation of the project´s main ouctome, the PSYCLIC e-learning course.

The PSYCLIC project has developed an e-learning course that brings together the topics of climate change and psychology. This comprehensive resource is designed for implementation in higher education institutions, providing students and educators with a valuable tool to explore the impact of psychology on climate change.

The second multiplier event is a unique opportunity for students, educators, and professionals to come together and explore the intersection of psychology and climate change. Whether you are a psychology student seeking to broaden your career prospects or a professional interested in the impact of psychology and climate change, the event is open to everyone.

The event will be held on the 4th of March in Saarbrücken at the “Tbilisser Platz”. We invite everyone to join us and be part of this exciting project, which aims to contribute to addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time – climate change.


13:00 – 14:30Welcoming of participants Introduction

Aims oft the event
Presentation about climate change impact
Concert and music
14:30 – 16:00Joining the 12. Global Climate Strike

16:00 – 17:00Public presentation of the PSYCLIC Project

Goals of the project and the intersectional area between climate change and psychology
Presentation of the E-Learning course (structure, content, digital-walk-through, etc.)

Joint discussions about the implementation of the course

Concert and music

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